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S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Population dynamics of major insect pests complex of green gram, [Vigna radiata (Linn.)] and their correlation Anand Kumar Ojha, SPS Tomar, Naveen, Neeraj Kumar, Shivani Suman and Sakshi Saxena Pages: 145-148 | 916 Views 566 Downloads | Country: India | India |
2 | Efficacy of newer insecticides against whitefly, Bemisia tabaci in urdbean Anil Kumar Saroj and PS Singh Pages: 149-151 | 537 Views 226 Downloads | Country: India | India |
3 | Assessment of knowledge based training needs regarding scientific cattle management practices among cattle owners in Rajasthan AS Arora, Devi Singh Rajput, Neeraj Kumar Sharma, VS Dewal and Vasundhra Dawra Pages: 152-156 | 425 Views 125 Downloads | Country: India | India |
4 | Standardisation of the package of application of Sampoorna KAU multimix (vegetables) in vegetables Thulasi V, Moossa PP, Sureshkumar P and Narayanankutty MC Pages: 157-161 | 2201 Views 1865 Downloads | Country: India | India |
5 | Molecular epidemiological aspects of bovine tropical theileriosis in cattle in and around Patna, Bihar, India Anil Kumar, Pallav Shekhar, Bhoomika Srisant, Ajit Kumar, Anjay, Ramesh Tiwary, Anil Gattani and Ajeet Kumar Pages: 162-165 | 552 Views 253 Downloads | Country: India | India |
6 | Impact of seasonal variation on renal function test in Sirohi goat Dinesh Maruti, Pavan Kumar Mittal, GS Gottam, Barkha Gupta, Mohan Singh and DR Bilochi Pages: 166-168 | 465 Views 138 Downloads | Country: India | India |
7 | HPTLC profiling of fruit rind of some Citrus species Angha B Anmod and DM Jadhav Pages: 169-173 | 830 Views 493 Downloads | Country: India | India |
8 | Nutritional knowledge, attitude and practices of rural adolescents in North Bengaluru Vijayalakshmi D and Megha M Katte Pages: 174-177 | 938 Views 517 Downloads | Country: India | India |
9 | Socio-personal correlate of practices regarding self-defense among school going girls Pragnya Priyadarshini Panda and Gaytri Tiwari Pages: 178-181 | 660 Views 321 Downloads | Country: India | India |
10 | Production potential of different kharif fodder crops under scarce rainfall zone of Andhra Pradesh P Aruna Pages: 182-183 | 455 Views 170 Downloads | Country: India | India |
11 | Silicon: A remedy to plant diseases Sangeetha Panicker, C Ushamalini, N Indra, R Chitra and K Arunkumar Pages: 208-219 | 726 Views 353 Downloads | Country: India | India |
12 | Polymerase chain reaction for antigen receptor rearrangements (PARR) for diagnosis of canine lymphoid neoplasia V Harini, KG Tirumurugaan, M Chandrasekar, GR Baranidharan, K Vijayarani, SMK Karthickeyan and Stella Esther Pages: 220-224 | 705 Views 348 Downloads | Country: India | India |
13 | Design of experiment (D.O.E) by Taguchi model for optimization of different process parameters for LSPR system to detect VCO adulteration Ishita Auddy, Abdul Rehman, Manoj D and Dr. S Shanmugasundaram Pages: 225-229 | 859 Views 402 Downloads | Country: India | India |
14 | Fish haematology: A review Hafsa Javeed, Farooz Ahmad Bhat, Tasaduq H Shah, Oyas Ahmad Asimi, Adnan Abubakr and Bilal Ahmad Bhat Pages: 230-232 | 869 Views 488 Downloads | Country: India | India |
15 | Expression pattern of PCNA and Ki-67 biomarkers in canine mammary tumours Dr. K Rama Krishna, Dr. M Jeevana Latha, Dr. M Lakshman, Dr. M Usha Rani, Dr. Y Ravi Kumar and Dr. B. Swathi Pages: 233-237 | 527 Views 191 Downloads | Country: India | India |
16 | Antibiotic sensitivity and cultural Pattern of superficial corneal ulcers in dogs Arukontham Deepika, P Nagaraj, VVV Amruth Kumar, M Usha Rani and K Satish Kumar Pages: 238-240 | 487 Views 172 Downloads | Country: India | India |
17 | Integrated nutrient management through organic sources in green gram (Vigna radiata) under Bundelkhand region of Jhansi Abhilasha, Dr. Santosh Pandey, Harendra Prajapati and Dr. B Gangwar Pages: 241-244 | 539 Views 174 Downloads | Country: India | India |
18 | Seasonal abundance of insect pests and natural enemies in sunflower in the Western Undulating zone of Odisha SK Nayak, Nilambar Khura and RL Moharana Pages: 245-248 | 906 Views 535 Downloads | Country: India | India |
19 | A critical analysis of social capital among Soliga tribal women Pavithra V, KP Raghuprasad, Tanweer Ahmed and Jagadeesh V Pages: 249-252 | 533 Views 235 Downloads | Country: India | India |
20 | Consumers perception towards nutrition and health claims on food products and their purchasing behaviour Shubhika Swarnakar and Dr. Renu Mogra Pages: 253-258 | 1107 Views 729 Downloads | Country: India | India |