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The Pharma Innovation Journal

"The Pharma Innovation" is a peer-reviewed and refereed journal having. This journal provides a platform with the aim of motivating students and personnel in Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Agriculture Sciences. The prime focus of this journal is to publish articles related to the current trends in research in Medical, Paramedical, Pharmaceutical and Agriculture Sciences. Its publication frequency is monthly.
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Sergiy Fedorov
Online ISSN: 2277-7695, Print ISSN: 2349-8242
Abbreviated Title: Pharma Innovation
Pharma Journal covers following Subjects: Medical, Dental, Agriculture, Food Science, Life Sciences, Pharmacy, Biology and Chemistry which include Pharmaceutical technology, Pharmaceutics, Medical Physiology, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmaceutical chemistry, Medicinal chemistry, Analytical chemistry, Pharmaceutical analysis, Cancer biology, Botany, Zoology, Biotechnology, Molecular biology, Cell biology, Genomics and Proteomics, Microbiology, Immunology, Computational chemistry, Organic chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Biochemistry, Physical chemistry, QSAR, Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmacy practice, Hospital and Clinical pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Pharmacogenomics and Bioinformatics.
The Pharma Journal is Indexed and Abstracted in following Database(s).