Socio-personal correlate of practices regarding self-defense among school going girls
Pragnya Priyadarshini Panda and Gaytri Tiwari
Self-protection and self-defence are an important factor for a girl ‘s life especially in today’s world. Girls face lots of problem from very early age even before they enter into teenage and they are restricted from doing many activities. Girls are taught to be courageous and are considered to belong to the weaker sex of the society. Self-protection and self-defence not only the way to protect themselves from danger but also tremendously boost their self-confidence. Girls have the basic right to feel safe and to be safe where they live and learn. A normal lock, a lighter, or a secure shelter-All these can prevent violence against girls in emergencies and can provide a sense of security in a time of increased vulnerability and stress. Self-defence is a protection, girls need to be powerful with some self-defense tactics to defend themselves. Girls should be trained to defend themselves in all situations right from schooling. This study was conducted with the aim to assess the association between socio-personal variables and practices regarding self-defense of school going girls of Udaipur, Rajasthan. The sample was selected purposively from four schools within the municipal limits of Udaipur city, having the similar infrastructural facilities. Standardized self-structured questionnaire was used to find out the practices regarding self-defense of school going girls. The findings of the study found that the type of locality, type of family, working hours of parents, type and size of friend group had no significant associations with practices regarding self-defense among school going girls. But there was significant association found between levels of practices regarding self-defense among school going girls by income of family.
How to cite this article:
Pragnya Priyadarshini Panda and Gaytri Tiwari. Socio-personal correlate of practices regarding self-defense among school going girls. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(5S): 178-181.