Standardisation of the package of application of Sampoorna KAU multimix (vegetables) in vegetables
Thulasi V, Moossa PP, Sureshkumar P and Narayanankutty MC
Multi-nutrient mixture was developed for foliar application in vegetables to address the wide spread deficiency of secondary and micronutrients evidenced in the composite samples collected from the fields all over the Kerala state. The multi-nutrient mixture prepared contain micronutrients such as zinc, copper, boron and molybdenum. The mixture released as Sampoorna KAU Multimix, was evaluated for standardising the schedule of application for improving yield in cowpea, okra, brinjal, and chilli through pot culture and field experiments. Pot culture experiments in cowpea, okra, brinjal and chilli indicated that foliar application of the mixture @ 0.5 per cent could improve vegetable yield by more than 30 per cent over control. Foliar application of Sampoorna KAU multimix @ 5 g per litre at 30, 45 and 60 DAS in direct sown vegetables and at 15, 30 and 45 DAP in transplanted vegetables recorded significantly higher yield than control in the field experiments conducted.
How to cite this article:
Thulasi V, Moossa PP, Sureshkumar P and Narayanankutty MC. Standardisation of the package of application of Sampoorna KAU multimix (vegetables) in vegetables. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(5S): 157-161.