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S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | A study on neonatal jaundice from a tertiary care hospitals Jai Krishan Pages: 47-49 | 485 Views 133 Downloads | Country: India | India |
2 | Influence of Anti-anginal therapy on essential amino acids in the blood plasma content of the blood of patients with stable angina Zavalska TV Pages: 60-62 | 1741 Views 141 Downloads | Country: Ukraine | Ukraine |
3 | Dynamics of ultrastructural changes exocrine part of rat pancreas under the influence of opioid P. Popyk, L. Mateshuk-Vatseba Pages: 63-65 | 1667 Views 119 Downloads | Country: Ukraine | Ukraine |
4 | Undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia as a risk factor for placental dysfunction Mariana Rymarchuk, Oksana Makarchuk Pages: 66-68 | 1804 Views 154 Downloads | Country: Ukraine | Ukraine |
5 | Exhaled Nitric Oxide (NO) Levels as a Marker of COPD Exacerbation Pertseva T.A, Gashynova K.Y, Krykhtina М.РPages: 69-72 | 1772 Views 154 Downloads | Country: Ukraine | Ukraine |
6 | Clinical efficiency of diet and physical exercises in patients with abdominal obesity and renal dysfunction Rokutova M.K. Pages: 73-76 | 1586 Views 125 Downloads | Country: Ukraine | Ukraine |
7 | The potential of nano technology based drugs in lung cancer management Tolosa Ketema Bayisa, Mohammed Hussen Bule, Jimma Likisa Lenjisa Pages: 77-81 | 1747 Views 188 Downloads | Country: Ethiopia | Ethiopia |
8 | Pathogenetic aspects of renal dysfunction in patients with primary hypothyroidism Didushko O.M. Pages: 82-84 | 1694 Views 124 Downloads | Country: Ukraine | Ukraine |
9 | Preparation of Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera (L.) Dunal) ghee – A practical approach inspired by traditional knowledge Deepthi Viswaroopan, Arun Raj GR, Shailaja U, Dharmendra Maurya, Shradha Gawade, Shivanand P, Jithesh Raj KT Pages: 85-89 | 3350 Views 1689 Downloads | Country: India | India |
10 | Chemical composition and antimalarial activity of extracts of Sudanese Tamarindus indica L. (Fabaceae) Abrar Osama Elhag Elamin Ahmed, Saad Mohamed Hussein Ayoub Pages: 90-93 | 2090 Views 411 Downloads | Country: Sudan | Sudan |