Undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia as a risk factor for placental dysfunction
Mariana Rymarchuk, Oksana Makarchuk
To determine the correlation of local non-progressive abruption of placenta and the development of placental dysfunction with undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia (UCTD), we have conducted the case-consequence research with 100 patients. The research included two stages. At the first stage, all the predictors of this complication were divided into 4 groups: somatic anamnesis, obstetric, gynecological and infectious anamnesis, course of the given pregnancy and results of tests for Phase-II detoxification gene polymorphism. At the second stage, all the significant predictors were included in a multifaceted logistic regressive analysis.
The most significant causes of local non-progressive abruption of placenta at placental dysfunction are the following: UCTD (OR-18.86; 6.58-54.02), its visceral markers such as scoliosis (OR-5.76; 2.08-15.97), heart diseases (mitral valve prolapse, hypertensive neurocirculatory dystonia, supplemental chord) (OR-8.61; 3.11-23.83), myopia (OR-6.25; 2.26-17.29), platypodia (OR-4.49; 1.61-12.55), renal diseases (OR-7.94; 2.87-21.98).
The sheer presence of UCTD in this category of patients increases by 18 times the risk of disorder of trophoblast invasion and development of placental dysfunction.
How to cite this article:
Mariana Rymarchuk, Oksana Makarchuk. Undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia as a risk factor for placental dysfunction. Pharma Innovation 2015;4(4):66-68.