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S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Study of combining ability and gene action in pea (Pisum sativum L.) Suchitra, DA Chauhan and Anita Pages: 2039-2042 | 378 Views 116 Downloads | Country: India | India |
2 | Study on impact of training programme on integrated pest management Shabbir Patel and Mahantesh Shirur Pages: 2043-2046 | 415 Views 172 Downloads | Country: India | India |
3 | Paper-based nucleic acid testing: A review Deepali Sakunde, Rajiv Ranjan Kumar, Sanjod Mendiratta, Mukesh Gangwar and Pranav Chauhan Pages: 2067-2071 | 550 Views 274 Downloads | Country: India | India |
4 | The realm of probiotics: An overview Sai Priya T and Ghadevaru Sarathchandra Pages: 2072-2080 | 686 Views 279 Downloads | Country: India | India |
5 | Agromorphological characterization of almond in North-Western Himalayan region of Kashmir Mohsin Ahmad Hajam, GI Hassan, Shamim A Simnani, Javid A Sofi, Imtiyaz Murtaza and SA Mir Pages: 2081-2083 | 564 Views 202 Downloads | Country: India | India |
6 | Successful delivery of Dicephalus Derodymus Dicaudatus monster in a Jersey crossbred cow by partial fetotomy Ravikumar K, Gawhane Abhishek Subhash, Periyannan M, Selvaraju M, Ezakial Napolean R, Palanisamy M and Jenifer Merry Cherian Pages: 2084-2086 | 404 Views 140 Downloads | Country: India | India |
7 | Labour scarcity in agriculture: A review P Vaishnavi and G Manisankar Pages: 2087-2090 | 1811 Views 1443 Downloads | Country: India | India |
8 | Comparative analysis of different protein estimation methods Arunima S and Satish Verulkar Pages: 2091-2095 | 9995 Views 9114 Downloads | Country: India | India |
9 | In vitro response of promising sugarcane varieties for salinity tolerance through shoot tip culture KD Gajjar, SC Mali and J Udutha Pages: 2096-2100 | 637 Views 218 Downloads | Country: India | India |
10 | Treatment of fungal infection in rhesus monkey: A case study S Sinha, PD Diwan, PS Sharma, DK Chaurasia, S Sathpathy, SS Biswal and SK Joshi Pages: 2101-2102 | 490 Views 208 Downloads | Country: India | India |
11 | Canine distemper in labrador cross-bred bitch with a history of road accident: A case report Vijayan C and Raj Kumar R A Pages: 2103-2105 | 911 Views 638 Downloads | Country: India | India |
12 | Price transmission and causality of onion markets in Karnataka Shripad Vishweshwar, Mallu B Deshetti and Srividyarani Sajjan Pages: 2106-2109 | 481 Views 180 Downloads | Country: India | India |
13 | Influence of various sowing dates on growth, yield and economics of different fodder sorghum genotypes GG Mahalle, AB Chorey, NK Darekar and ST Dangore Pages: 2110-2112 | 480 Views 176 Downloads | Country: India | India |