In vitro response of promising sugarcane varieties for salinity tolerance through shoot tip culture
Author(s): KD Gajjar, SC Mali and J Udutha
Abstract: Sugarcane is one of the most important industrial crop in both tropical as well as subtropical regions of the world and a major export product of many developing countries. Reduction in sugarcane productivity and sugar recovery is mainly due to abiotic stresses. In India most of the sugarcane growing areas are under the influence of salinity. The present investigation was carried out on experimental shoot apex portion of two sugarcane varieties CoN-13073 and CoN-13072, were exposed to different NaCl levels to assess salinity tolerance under in vitro condition. Among the shoot apex portion, undergone to different NaCl concentrations maximum survival per cent was found in untreated shoot apex (37.20%) in genotype CoN-13073. Maximum regeneration per cent (78.40%) was observed without NaCl concentration in genotype CoN-13073. In case of number of days for shoot formation genotype CoN-13072 regenerated within 15.40 days without NaCl concentration. The highest number of multiple shoots were obtained (28.40) and (24.20) from the treatment where 0.0% NaCl application was done in CoN-13073 and CoN-13072 respectively.
KD Gajjar, SC Mali and J Udutha. In vitro response of promising sugarcane varieties for salinity tolerance through shoot tip culture. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(4S): 2096-2100. DOI: 10.22271/tpi.2022.v11.i4Saa.12325