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S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Price spread, marketing efficiency and constraints in marketing of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Srinagar district of Jammu and Kashmir Nasir Husain, TH Bhat and Ashwani Kumar Pages: 01-03 | 1052 Views 452 Downloads | Country: India | India |
2 | Problems as avowed by Agri-preneurs and suggestions to overcome them in social entrepreneurship AM Pandya and OP Sharma Pages: 04-06 | 727 Views 185 Downloads | Country: India | India |
3 | Analyzing the impact of weather based agro-advisory services of GKMS project among arecanut growers of Udupi district of Karnataka KM Praveen, KV Sudheer Kamath, Lakshmana, Ranjeetha K and Swathi Shetty Y Pages: 07-11 | 1365 Views 693 Downloads | Country: India | India |
4 | Goat marketing constraints and its suggestions in Satara district Jadhav SB, Dr. AT Shinde and More NM Pages: 12-14 | 771 Views 181 Downloads | Country: India | India |
5 | Studies of Physico-chemical properties of date pulp added Shrikhand Deshmukh MS, Dr. PV Padghan and Jadhav SB Pages: 15-19 | 1081 Views 445 Downloads | Country: India | India |
6 | Socio-economic status of goat sellers and purchasers in Satara District Jadhav SB, Dr. AT Shinde and Deshmukh MS Pages: 20-24 | 745 Views 194 Downloads | Country: India | India |
7 | A comparative study between natural farming and conventional farming in Udupi district of Karnataka Ranjeetha K, Sudhir Kamath KV, Lakshmana and Praveen KM Pages: 25-27 | 1642 Views 1004 Downloads | Country: India | India |
8 | Effect of different level of Aloe vera juice on chemical composition of lassi CR Nichal, DT Undratwad, KS Deshmukh, AR Anole and PN Khadse Pages: 28-30 | 729 Views 167 Downloads | Country: India | India |
9 | Effect of fly ash application with FYM on soil chemical properties of rice grown area in inceptisol Krishn Kumar, Gourav Kumar Jatav, Vinod Nayak, Sanjeev Mallaiya, Gireesh and Gyaneswar Pages: 31-33 | 984 Views 383 Downloads | Country: India | India |
10 | Assessment of academically bright rural young adolescents’ creative endeavors across home environment Sumit Sheoran, Bimla Dhanda, Krishna Duhan and Joginder Singh Malik Pages: 34-37 | 718 Views 139 Downloads | Country: India | India |
11 | Constraints faced by small farmers in Western Maharashtra Giri PR, Kharde PB, Chougule SB and Dhadwad MB Pages: 62-63 | 761 Views 238 Downloads | Country: India | India |
12 | Studies on reproductive performance of buffaloes maintained at college of agriculture, Parbhani DS Jadhao, DV Bainwad and GB Jadhav Pages: 64-67 | 831 Views 263 Downloads | Country: India | India |
13 | Goat marketing in Satara district Jadhav SB, Dr. AT Shinde and Deshmukh MS Pages: 68-74 | 743 Views 180 Downloads | Country: India | India |
14 | Sensory properties of buffalo milk Shrikhand by using of date (Phoenix dectylifera) Pulp Deshmukh MS, Dr. PV Padghan and Jadhav SB Pages: 75-78 | 845 Views 281 Downloads | Country: India | India |
15 | Personal characteristics of beneficiary farmers of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana PS Kulkarni, UD Jagdale, VJ Tarde, MV Ajotikar and GP Chavan Pages: 85-88 | 885 Views 268 Downloads | Country: India | India |
16 | Intussusception in canines: A review Deny Jennes Pages: 89-97 | 2685 Views 2019 Downloads | Country: India | India |
17 | Correlation analysis for different characteristics in wheat DJ Kadam, SH Karwar and PS Jadhav Pages: 98-100 | 1134 Views 545 Downloads | Country: India | India |
18 | Antifeedant activity of some botanicals against Spodoptera frugiperda (je Smith) under laboratory condition Uttarwar Sai Prasoona, Dr. AV Kolhe, VR Tathode and VN Tidke Pages: 101-104 | 1326 Views 679 Downloads | Country: India | India |
19 | Effect of Panchagavya and Jeevamrut on growth, yield attributes and yield of summer pearl millet SP Patel, SH Malve, MH Chavda and YB Vala Pages: 105-109 | 4433 Views 3567 Downloads | Country: India | India |
20 | Effect of different spacings of eucalyptus plantation on biomass production of wheat cultivars in Northern India Vinita Bisht, Shalini Purwar, Devendra Kumar, Brajesh Kumar and Vijay Upadhayay Pages: 135-139 | 863 Views 318 Downloads | Country: India | India |