Development of electronic triggering mechanism for basin Lister
Kove Piyush Ravindra, Dr. Pravin B Kadam and Jagdish Kashinath Khurdal
Basin listing is one of the oldest practice traditionally known as tie ridging or bund forming. An implement which is used to create basin is referred as basin lister Although the work was tedious and time consuming it was extensively practiced across India for various crop requirements such as paddy, wheat, millets and vegetable crops. In modern days from past few years tractor drawn bund former is being used for the bund forming operation. The tractor drawn basin lister on which modification has been made was efficient for the basin formation of 6×2m, but due to its restricted length of bund forming mechanism the modification of the existing implement was taken under consideration for developing the electronic triggering mechanism for power transmission of tractor drawn basin lister. The entire algorithm and process was designed for the electronic working system for basin lister. The functional components of electronic systems are Arduino Uno, Relay, Keypad, LCD, I2C, IR sensor and DC motor. The Arduino was programmed with Embedded C language in environment IDE 1.18.9.
How to cite this article:
Kove Piyush Ravindra, Dr. Pravin B Kadam and Jagdish Kashinath Khurdal. Development of electronic triggering mechanism for basin Lister. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(6S): 3028-3032.