Benefits of introducing amphibians and fishes in paddy ecosystem, harmful effects of neonicotinoids on amphibians and fishes
P Sai Prasad
Amphibians and their ancestor fishes have flourished eons of years ago; their presence in paddy ecosystem is lot more beneficial as frogs and fishes help to promote exponential yield. This is achieved by their ability to control insects, pests, weeds and chironomid larvae, mosquitos. Apart from these their presence facilitates rise in soil permeability, aeration, soil nutrient uptake. The need for using fertilisers which are source of Greenhouse gases (GHG) are also minimized. Thus addition of aquatic organisms like fishes, amphibians promotes more sustainable, eco-friendly farming. However these animals are threatened by variety of chemicals such as Neonicotinoids. These pesticides increase the animal’s susceptibility for pathogens, render them open to predators. They also cause morphological, anatomical, histological changes thus contributing to global amphibian decline. Current review focuses on the ecological services rendered by fishes and frogs and harmful effects of Neonicotinoids on these aquatic animals.
How to cite this article:
P Sai Prasad. Benefits of introducing amphibians and fishes in paddy ecosystem, harmful effects of neonicotinoids on amphibians and fishes. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(5S): 530-535.