Impact on soil microbial communities under different cropping system of Prayagraj district, Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India
Rashmi Raghav, SB Lal and Ram Bharose
Abstract:Cropping system is an effective agricultural practice which play crucial role in increasing soil microbial diversity, soil health and fertility. Keeping these views study was undertaken in Prayagraj district eastern Uttar Pradesh to investigate the impact on soil microbial communities affected by major cropping system. The major cropping system includes wheat-wheat, mustard-mustard, Rice-Wheat and Rice-Mustard. Soil samples were collected from eight tehsil of Prayagraj district randomly from depth 0-15 cm and 15-30 cm depth. The results conclude that Rice-wheat cropping system contains higher soil microbial population than other cropping system.
How to cite this article:
Rashmi Raghav, SB Lal and Ram Bharose. Impact on soil microbial communities under different cropping system of Prayagraj district, Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(4S): 1826-1829.