Efficacy of induction of estrum by administration of ethno veterinary medicines (EVM) in anestrus cows
K Senthilkumar, V Varudharajan, M Selvaraju, D Gopikrishnan, S Manokaran, M Palanisamy and M Periyannan
The present study was designed to assess the therapeutic efficacy of Bhilawa seeds and combination of aloe vera, drumstick leaves, adamant creeper, curry leaves and jaggery for induction of cyclicity in anestrus cows. Twenty anestrus cows were examined and divided into two groups (G1 and GII) and each groups comprising of ten (n=10) animals. Group I (G1) were treated with Bhilawa seeds (3-4 Nos) and in Group II (G II) were treated with combination of aloe vera, drumstick leaves, adamant creeper, curry leaves and jaggery. The Overall estrus induction in groups I and II were 40 and 50%. The time taken for the onset of oestrus was 71.50 ± 1.27, 69.00 ± 1.12 hours in Group I and Group II, respectively. There was no significant difference in onset of oestrus in both groups. Duration of oestrus in groups I and II were 21.00 ± 0.23, 19.30 ± 0.71 hours, respectively. In Group I, cows exhibited 8.33, 58.33 and 33.33 per cent of week, normal and intense oestrus. The corresponding values in Group II were 37.50 and 25.00 per cent, respectively. Conception rate in Group I and II were 30% and 40%, respectively. On the basis of Overall estrus induction, pattern of estrus and conception rate, the combination of aloe vera, drumstick leaves, adamant creeper, curry leaves and jaggery have an effective role in the treatment of anestrus cows.
How to cite this article:
K Senthilkumar, V Varudharajan, M Selvaraju, D Gopikrishnan, S Manokaran, M Palanisamy and M Periyannan. Efficacy of induction of estrum by administration of ethno veterinary medicines (EVM) in anestrus cows. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(10S): 560-562.