Variable rate application technology in India
Sumit Chaudhary, PS Negi, Alankar Singh, R K Prasad, Pallavi, Balveer Singh and Rajendra
Climate, soil and water are one of the basic inputs for successful crop production. Efficient utilization of these along with other (viz. fertilizers, pesticides etc.) is must for fetching higher monetary returns and input use efficiency. In spite of continuous progress in agricultural management practices/technology from last few decades, India still rely on those practices whose efficiency is very low and it opens a scope for transformation of technology. Variable rate technology (VRT) can be a boon for developing country like India; however some interventions and land consolidation practices needs to be adopted at farmers field level. Here an attempt has been made for giving a brief views on variable rate technology and its scope in India.
How to cite this article:
Sumit Chaudhary, PS Negi, Alankar Singh, R K Prasad, Pallavi, Balveer Singh and Rajendra. Variable rate application technology in India. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2020; 9(9S): 166-168.