Effect of different weed management practices on onion (Allium cepa L.)
Manju Rani Sahu, Ashirbachan Mahapatra and Madan Kumar Jha
The field experiment was conducted during Rabi season of 2016-17 at the Horticulture Research cum Instructional farm, BTC CARS, Bilaspur (C.G.). The treatments consisted of ten combination of different agro input management practices viz., T1 (control weedy check),T2 (weed free),T3 (Pendimethalin @ 1.75 kg/ha (pre-emergence)),T4 (Oxyfluorfen @ 1 kg/ha (pre-emergence)), T5 (Quizalofop-ethyl @1 kg/ha (Post-emergence)), T6 (Pendimethalin @ 1.750 kg/ha (Pre emergence) + Quizalofop-ethyl @ 1 kg/ha (Post-emergence)), T7 (Oxyfluorfen @ 1 kg/ha (Pre-emergence) + Quizalofop-ethyl @ 1 kg/ha (Postemergence)), T8 (Two hand weeding at 25 and 45 DAT), T9 (Black polythene mulch), T10 (Organic mulch with paddy straw @ 20 q/ha). The weed population weed fresh weight and weed dry matter, varied significantly with all the stages of crop. It showed increasing trend with lowest at 20 DAT and highest at 60 DAT. Conidering the weed control strategies significantly lower weed population. Weed fresh weight, weed dry matter, weed index and relatively higher weed control efficiency were recorded in weed free plot (T2) then rest of all the treatments and in herbicidal treatments T7 (Oxyfluorfen @ 1 kg/ha (Pre-emergence) + Quizalofop-ethyl @ 1 kg/ha (Postemergence)), was attribute to the effective control of weeds and in terms of alone apploication of herbicide Oxyfluorfen @ 1 kg/ha (pre-emergence) control weed effectively than other treatments.
How to cite this article:
Manju Rani Sahu, Ashirbachan Mahapatra, Madan Kumar Jha. Effect of different weed management practices on onion (Allium cepa L.). Pharma Innovation 2020;9(4):170-175.