Role of Kisspeptin in livestock reproduction
B Priyanka, G Aruna Kumari, J Raju and P Shankaraiah
The discovery of "Kisspeptin" has opened new vista to understand the regulatory mechanisms of ovarian steroids on control of GnRH secretion. Kisspeptin (Kp) appears to be involved in most (if not all transitional steps) of reproductive life, such as the onset of puberty, initiation of the breeding season and the dynamic changes of gonadotropin secretion throughout the oestrous cycle. Exogenous administration of Kp induces the secretion of gonadotropin (LH) in many species, mainly through stimulation of GnRH secretion including mares, pigs, bovines, ewes, canines, women and ultimately responsible for oocyte maturation and ovulation. Kp stimulates gonadotropin release most potently during the preovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle in women. Infusion of Kp caused synchronization of LH surge and ovulation in progesterone primed cyclic ewes and anoestrus ewes, respectively by activating hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis. In this context, it has been suggested that Kp may be used as new tool to design new protocols for reproductive technologies in mammals.
How to cite this article:
B Priyanka, G Aruna Kumari, J Raju, P Shankaraiah. Role of Kisspeptin in livestock reproduction. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(4):728-731.