The significance of qualitative compressive elastography in boys with hernia inguinale
Zaharko VP, Nakonechnyy ÐY and Fedus VR
Qualitative compressive elastography (QCE) is a newly developed method which can obtain the stiffness of tissues and organs. Several studies have demonstrated its potential in the differentiation between diseased and normal tissue in clinical practices, however the applicability to hernia inguinale and testicular disease has not been well elucidated. We investigated the feasibility and reproducibility of qualitative elastography in the detection of the influence of hernia inguinale and its surgical treatment on the structure-functional state of testis.
How to cite this article:
Zaharko VP, Nakonechnyy ÐY, Fedus VR. The significance of qualitative compressive elastography in boys with hernia inguinale. Pharma Innovation 2016;5(12):26-28.