An investigation of varying composition and processing conditions on the organoleptic quality of Chhana based cheese spread
Praveen Sahu, MPS Yadav, Rahul Tiwari and Pooja Yadav
The present investigation entitled was conducted in the laboratory of Department of A.H. & Dairying (Dairy Technology), C.S.A University of Agriculture and Technology Kanpur. In the experiment mixed milk of Cow and Buffalo are taken and five level of cheese (5%, 10%, 15%, 20% & 25%), salt level 1.5 & 2.0 per cent, coagulant citric acid 1%, and preservative Potassium Meta bi sulphite (0.1%) & Sorbic Acid (0.03%) were taken for Preparation of Chhana based cheese spread. Sensory quality of Chhana based cheese spread depends on flavour, body & texture, colour & appearance, spreadibility and overall acceptability. The highest flavour score (8.0), body & texture score (7.9), colour & appearance score (8.1), spreadibility score (8.2) and overall acceptability score (7.8) was found in the treatment combination of A1B1C5D1 among all the physical attributes of Chhana based cheese spread.
How to cite this article:
Praveen Sahu, MPS Yadav, Rahul Tiwari and Pooja Yadav. An investigation of varying composition and processing conditions on the organoleptic quality of Chhana based cheese spread. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(9S): 2675-2683.