Vol. 12, Special Issue 9 (2023)
Study on the storage stability of kozhi ada: A traditional meat product of Kerala
Anagha R, Kavitha Rajagopal, Arathy Anil, Renuka Nayar, Vasudevan V N, Magna Thomas and Akhil K
Malabar region of Kerala is well known for its traditional meat snacks which were prepared based on indigenous culinary practices. Mostly available traditional snacks are perishable due to the lack of scientific approaches and interventions during their production. The aim of present study was to assess the storage stability of the traditional snack, kozhi ada under aerobic packaging for a period of 60 days and stored at ambient temperature (25-30 °C). Changes in physico-chemical and microbiological parameters were assessed on storage. The pH of the product decreased significantly whereas the tyrosine value and thiobarbituric acid reacting substance number increased significantly during the storage period. The microbiological characteristics including both aerobic plate count and yeast and mould count depicted a significant difference on day 60 of storage. Aerobically packaged kozhi ada was shelf stable for a period of 60 days at ambient temperature conditions.
How to cite this article:
Anagha R, Kavitha Rajagopal, Arathy Anil, Renuka Nayar, Vasudevan V N, Magna Thomas and Akhil K. Study on the storage stability of kozhi ada: A traditional meat product of Kerala. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(9S): 1863-1865.