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Vol. 12, Special Issue 9 (2023)

Impact of village adoption programme on production and income of farmers

Papireddy M, Tanweer Ahmed and Aruna GR
Village adoption programme is the key to demonstrate the benefits of agro technologies as a model for adoption to uplift of rural economy. ICAR Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Chintamani, Chikkaballapura adopted Brahmanadinne Village of Chintamani taluk for three years from 2019-2022 with the financial support of University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. KVK, Chintamani had implemented different technological interventions like demonstration of integrated crop management in redgram, tomato, cucumber, chilli, short duration finger millet variety KMR-630, multicut fodder sorghum: COFS-29, medium duration finger millet variety ML-365, multicut fodder sorghum: COFS-31, field bean Var.HA-4, IPM in tomato, IPM in Chilli, IPM in Mango, IPM in cabbage etc., Capacity building programmes like training on nutri garden, formation of women SHGs, dryland agricultural technologies, mushroom cultivation and its value addition, importance of azolla, mulberry production, soil health camp, human health camp, animal health camp, were organized in the adopted village. To assess the impact of village adoption programme, ex post facto research design was employed. Secondary data was elicited from the reports of adopted village. For primary data, 30 beneficiary farmers were selected and collected the data using structured interview schedule. Data was analyzed using appropriate statistical tools like frequency, mean percentage etc., The results showed that there was 23.43 percent increase in redgram yield, 10.43 percent increase in finger millet KMR-630, 17.93 percent increase in finger millet ML 365 yield, 37.87 percent increased cowpea yield and 16.37 percent increase in Chilli yield. It was observed that the mean score of awareness before the village adoption programme was 4.46 and it was 10.03 after the programme. With respect to adoption is concerned, it was observed that the mean score before the village adoption programme was 4.20. Hence village adoption programme is a viable option in technology transfer.
Pages: 1811-1814  |  451 Views  265 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Papireddy M, Tanweer Ahmed and Aruna GR. Impact of village adoption programme on production and income of farmers. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(9S): 1811-1814.

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