Successful management of egg-bound condition in a pigeon (Columba livia): A case report
Mohammed Salman, Rajashekar Kamalla and A Shirisha
Egg binding, also known as the inability of an egg to pass through the oviduct or the lodging of an egg in the cloaca (Crespo and Shivprasad, 2003) is a condition that can be brought on by a number of illnesses including malnutrition, obesity, vitamin deficiencies, calcium metabolic diseases and mechanical damage to the reproductive system (Romagnano, 1996). It is a typical reproductive condition that affects all types and ages of pet birds. Sometimes, mostly as a result of the disorder's cause but also the species, there are no obvious clinical signs to be seen. Signs are more obvious in other situations, such as with cockatiels, finches, lovebirds or canaries. In this case study, a pigeon was presented with egg-bound condition and successfully relieved by diagnostic and clinical approach.
How to cite this article:
Mohammed Salman, Rajashekar Kamalla and A Shirisha. Successful management of egg-bound condition in a pigeon (Columba livia): A case report. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(9S): 1657-1658.