Developmental bilateral entropion in a cocker spaniel and its surgical correction by mid-line rhytidectomy and modified hotz-celsus technique
M Sravanti, Basiri Dinesh, Lella Lokesh and Gangaarapu Anusha
A 7-month-old male Cocker spaniel dog weighing about 5 kgs was presented to Veterinary Clinical Complex, Rajendranagar, PVNRTVU with the history of inversion of both upper eyelids, loose skin folds over the forehead region and cautious walk. On physical examination, dog was timid, reluctant to walk, excessive facial folding’s over the frontal region were noticed that resulted in drooping of eyelids bilaterally and eventually impaired the dog vision. On ophthalmic examination, ocular reflexes, sclera were normal with serous ocular discharges, keratitis and conjunctivitis. Therefore, the case was diagnosed as developmental bilateral entropion and surgical correction was performed under general anesthesia using mid-line rhytidectomy followed by modified hotz-celsus technique. The details of the surgical procedure and recovery will be discussed in detail.
How to cite this article:
M Sravanti, Basiri Dinesh, Lella Lokesh and Gangaarapu Anusha. Developmental bilateral entropion in a cocker spaniel and its surgical correction by mid-line rhytidectomy and modified hotz-celsus technique. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(9S): 1582-1585.