Multivariate analysis of seed traits in coloured grapes
Dr. Dhananjay N Gawande and Sneha Santosh Haral
Genetic diversity present amongst the available Genepool is a crucial factor which decides the way and direction of any crop improvement program. It helps in exploitation of the important traits through heterosis and also help in obtaining transgressive segregants in segregating generations. The present investigation was planned to analyse the genetic diversity among forty coloured and seeded grape cultivars for seven important seed traits viz., number of seeds per berry, seed weight per berry (mg), seed length (mm), seed width (mm), single seed weight (mg), total berry weight (mg), and seed index using principal component analysis and cluster analysis. The principal component one (PC1) with Eigen values 2.648 has contributed to 37.83% percent of variability; whereas principal component two (PC2) has contributed 28.20% variability and principal component three (PC3) defined 19.69% variability; the cumulative variability among the 40 grape genotypes depicted by PC1, PC2 and PC3 was 85.72%. The K-mean clustering grouped these forty grape genotypes into three clusters.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Dhananjay N Gawande and Sneha Santosh Haral. Multivariate analysis of seed traits in coloured grapes. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(9S): 1108-1111.