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Vol. 12, Special Issue 9 (2023)

Knowledge level of farmers about natural farming practices in northern transition zone of Karnataka

Shameem Kaoser, A Bheemappa, GN Maraddi and CP Chandrashekhara
The present study was conducted in Dharwad and Belgavi districts of Karnataka state during 2021-22. The Knowledge level of farmers about natural farming practices was studied by employing “Ex-post facto” research design and by using simple random sampling technique in Dharwad and Belgavi districts constituting a total sample size of 120 farmers. It was depicted that, high percent of farmers were noticed in medium knowledge level category (40.00%). Whereas, high knowledge was observed with 31.67 percent farmers followed by 28.33 percent farmers noticed in low knowledge category. The knowledge of maintaining one indigenous desi cow for 30 acres natural farming was noticed with all the farmers. Majority of farmers possessed the knowledge about the benefits of beejamrutha (93.33%) and gokrupamrutha (78.33%) followed by application of ghanajeevamrutha (78.33%) and jeevamrutha (47.50%). Regarding weed management, all the farmers were knowing about hand weeding and intercultivation. More than two-third of farmers (69.17%) had knowledge that straw mulching with crop residues, grasses, and dry leaves etc. helps in managing weeds. Live mulch through legume intercropping was known to nearly half of farmers (49.17%). With respect to pest and disease management practices, nearly two-third (62.50%) known the benefits of application of sour butter milk (85.83%), neemastra (62.50%), Brahmastra (42.50%) followed by application of dashaparni (38.33%), agniastra (28.33%) and Shunti Astra (21.67%). Majority of farmers possessed the knowledge about intercropping of monocots and dicots / cereals legumes (76.66%) and intercropping of crop-tree association (75.00%).
Pages: 972-975  |  645 Views  415 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Shameem Kaoser, A Bheemappa, GN Maraddi and CP Chandrashekhara. Knowledge level of farmers about natural farming practices in northern transition zone of Karnataka. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(9S): 972-975.

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