A comprehensive analysis of silk production: Economic viability and market potential of Kanker District of Chhattisgarh
Jaikishan Dewangan and Vijay Kumar Choudhary
The study was conducted on “A Comprehensive Analysis of Silk Production: Economic Viability and Market Potential of Kanker district of Chhattisgarh”. Kanker and Charama blocks were selected for study purpose. Five self-help groups (SHG’s) engaged in mulberry silk production were selected from two blocks of Kanker district and total 60 mulberry silk growers were selected by using random sampling techniques. The study of socio-economic characteristics of selected mulberry growers was based on primary data and it was found to be 63.37% mulberry growers comes under the ST category was highest out of all social group, 61.66% mulberry growers comes under 30 to 60 year age which was highest in all age category and 45% mulberry growers were experienced in this field 6 to 10 year. The cost is divided into two parts, in the first part it was mentioned about the total establishment and maintenance cost of overall farms which is governed by the government agency (sericulture department). These initial investment cost/ establishment cost and maintenance during gestation period was observed as Rs. 99,349.5 and 24,244.75 per hectare for mulberry orchard (Morus alba) respectively. Second, variables cost governs by SHG’s for mulberry silk production. It was estimated that the overall level per hectare cost of mulberry silkworm rearing was found to be Rs. 3,669.34. The per hectare net profit for SHG’s at input cost of mulberry silk, was found to be Rs. 2,02,455.49, overall benefit-cost ratio for SHG’s was found to be 1:56.14 however overall input-output ratio for SHG’s was found to be 1:56.14. The marketing channel for mulberry silk was identified i.e. channel –I (cocoon growers – cocoon bank –private traders) but sometimes channel-II was rarely identified in the study area. Marketing efficiency was found to be higher in the channel-I for ºC grade mulberry cocoon’ 5.5. The major constraints of production and marketing of mulberry silk was observed as fluctuation in weather leads to effect of silkworm, problem of pest and disease of silkworm, monopsony (Single buyer), and poor quality of silk. In view of finding of the study it was suggested that the sericulture department should develop weather tolerant mulberry silkworm races. So, that mulberry silkworm can be reared even in adverse climate condition and insect, pest and disease regarding there is a need to organize various extension activities through training, demonstration facilities should be provided, and the government should arrange for development of require infrastructural facilities in the local markets. So that the SHG’s or mulberry growers will get competitive price for their produce.
How to cite this article:
Jaikishan Dewangan and Vijay Kumar Choudhary. A comprehensive analysis of silk production: Economic viability and market potential of Kanker District of Chhattisgarh. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(9S): 968-971.