Assessment of temperature and humidity in domestic kitchen of Jorhat district of Assam
Kimbai A Sangma and Mira Kalita
The kitchen is one of the functional working areas of the house. In the domestic kitchen indoor environmental parameters are temperature, humidity, Iiluminance and noise level. Indoor environmental parameters mainly temperature, humidity, have a profound effect on human performance, efficiency and efficacy. The present study on assessment of temperature and humidity in domestic kitchen in Jorhat district of Assam was proposed with the aim to study demographic profile and housing attributes, to measures the temperature and humidity in the kitchen during cooking and to study the relationship between dependent and independent variables. A purposive cum random sampling method was adopted. From the Jorhat Municipality area three (3) wards were selected randomly. From the wards 56 numbers of household were selected randomly. The women who involved in cooking activity were the sample for the present study. Both interview and observation method was used for collection of data which was done through a questionnaire and observation for measurement of temperature and humidity. The instruments thermo-hygrometer was used for measurement the data on temperature and humidity. Further chi square test was done to identify the relationship between dependent and independent variables. The findings showed that the average temperature was found to be 30.55 °C which is found more than acceptable limit i.e., 22.2 °C to 26.6 °C. Humidity was found to be 75.65 per cent which is also found to be higher than the acceptable value (30% to 60%). There were no relationship between temperature and humidity with selected independent variables.
How to cite this article:
Kimbai A Sangma and Mira Kalita. Assessment of temperature and humidity in domestic kitchen of Jorhat district of Assam. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(9S): 650-655.