Empirical evidences of climate smart agricultural practices in scarce rainfall zone of Andhra Pradesh
Guduru Dhanalakshmi, M Sudhakar and A Krishnamoorthy
Climate smart agricultural technologies were proved to be the best adaptation strategies followed by farmers in scarce rainfall zone of Andhra Pradesh for sustainable crop yields. The study was taken up in Nandhyal and Anantapur Districts of Andhra Pradesh, India with 180 respondents with an objective to record the economic benefit by adoption of crop production technologies. Results revealed that with conservation furrows, the crop yields of Setaria, Castor, and Red gram were enhanced by 28, 32 and 29 per cent respectively. The additional net benefit recorded was Rs 11,955, Rs 13, 263a and Rs 21,153/ha for Setaria, Castor and Red gram respectively. With supplemental irrigation in critical stages from farm ponds the yields of Groundnut, Jowar and Red gram were enhanced by 35.93, 57 and 31.3 per cent respectively. Setaria+ Red gram intercropping (5:1) recorded Rs.21973/ha additional net returns. Intercropping of Ground nut +Red gram (7:1) yielded 1123 kg/ha which is higher by 29.52 per cent. Drought tolerant Castor, Bengal gram, Groundnut, Jowar and Red gram varieties recorded 25, 23, 50, 43 and 34.5 per cent more yield than control with economic advantage. Short duration varieties of Setaria, Red gram, Groundnut and Green gram recorded additional net returns of Rs 14,412, Rs. 12,250, Rs 14,900and Rs. 4920/ha. By following drought mitigation sprayings (KNo3) in Red gram, Ground nut the yields were sustained. By adoption of weather based agro advisories in Maize, Rice and Cotton the yields were enhanced by 23, 12.6 and 22.6 per cent respectively.
How to cite this article:
Guduru Dhanalakshmi, M Sudhakar and A Krishnamoorthy. Empirical evidences of climate smart agricultural practices in scarce rainfall zone of Andhra Pradesh. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(9S): 521-527.