Evaluation of insecticide and botanical combination for management of sorghum shoot fly and stem borer
NV Radadiya, BK Davda, TV Ghevariya, KG Kanzariya, HN Der and AD Varma
To find out bio efficacy of combination of different insecticides with Neem based pesticides 1500 ppm for management of sorghum shoot fly and stem borer, the trial was conducted at Main Sorghum Research Station, Navsari Agricultural University, Athwa Farm, Surat, Sorghum Research Station, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Deesa and Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Navsari Agricultural University, Dediapada during Kharif 2015 to Kharif 2017. In pooled analysis over three locations and years from Kharif 2015 to Kharif2017, minimum percent of shoot fly dead heart were observed in treatment T10 (9.41%) and it was at par with treatment T4 (10.40%) and T2 (10.90%). In case of percent stem borer dead heart less damage was recorded in treatment T10 and it was found statistically at par with treatment T4 (15.78%). Maximum yield was recorded in treatment T10 i.e. 2827.99 kg/ha.
How to cite this article:
NV Radadiya, BK Davda, TV Ghevariya, KG Kanzariya, HN Der and AD Varma. Evaluation of insecticide and botanical combination for management of sorghum shoot fly and stem borer. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(9S): 359-363.