Socio economic profile of scientists of Tamil Nadu veterinary and animal sciences university
Sindhu MG and Kumaravel P
The study was conducted to assess the socio-economic status of scientists of Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS) and the data was collected through structured interview schedule with a sample size of 200 scientists from various constituent colleges and units of TANUVAS. The study revealed that Assistant Professors constituted the majority among the different category of scientists working at TANUVAS. It was also observed that majority of the scientists of TANUVAS were male, belonged to young age group and possessed doctoral degrees. Majority of the scientists were hailing from rural background and were residing in rented houses. Majority of the scientists were in the medium level of income category and were in the category of low level of job experience. With regard to the trainings, majority of Associate Professors and Professors have attended atleast 1-2 International trainings but nearly 45% of Assistant Professors have not attended International trainings but had attended several national trainings. Majority of the scientists have handled one or more university sub-projects or small budget external funded research projects with a budget outlay of less than 5 lakh rupees. More than half of the respondents had membership in 1-3 professional bodies and about 59% of Assistant Professors had conducted more than 20 number of extension activities in their career. Majority of the respondents exhibited low level of self-confidence. With regard to workload perception and achievement motivation, majority of the faculty perceived medium to high level of workload perception and achievement motivation during their tenure of work at the university.
How to cite this article:
Sindhu MG and Kumaravel P. Socio economic profile of scientists of Tamil Nadu veterinary and animal sciences university. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(9S): 196-200.