Vol. 12, Special Issue 9 (2023)
Interfragmentary and interdental wirings for bilateral mandibular fracture in a Dog
R Uma Rani, S Sivaseelan, C Sowbharenya and R Arun
A three years old male Chippiparai dog was referred with a complaint of oral bleeding and unable to close its mouth after an accidental kick by a cow before 2 hours of presentation. Clinical and radiological examinations confirmed the case as complete bilateral mandibular fractures between 1st and 2nd premolar teeth in left mandible and 2nd and 3rd premolar teeth in right mandible. The fracture was reduced and fixation of the bilateral mandibular fractures were carried out successfully using Interfragmentary and interdental wiring techniques under general anaesthesia.
How to cite this article:
R Uma Rani, S Sivaseelan, C Sowbharenya and R Arun. Interfragmentary and interdental wirings for bilateral mandibular fracture in a Dog. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(9S): 125-127.