Vol. 12, Special Issue 9 (2023)
Performance of primary agriculture co-operative credit society (PACS), Dharampura in Raipur district of Chhattisgarh
Kalyani Dahariya, Bhag Chandra Jain and VK Choudhary
Primary Agriculture Co-operative Credit Society (PACS) Play an important role to provide timely credit to the farming community. Present study was conducted with to the growth in physical performance Indicctor of PACS and to examine the loan disbursement by PACS, Dharampura. The study concluded that the number of PACS and membership of PACS has increase. Total loan disbursed was 53.63 lakhs in the year 2018 which increases to over 70.66 lakhs in the year 2022. The maximum paddy seed was distributed in the year 2019 at 1324.5 quintals. There has been an increase of 5.12 percent in the distribution of total fertilizers from year 2019 to the year 2022.From the year 2019 to the year 2022, there has been an increase of 141.00 percent in the distribution of total urea fertilizer. Study suggests that recovery of loan and limited area of operation is the major constraints in the working performance of PACS. Illiteracy of farmers also adds up to this problem. As far as management part is concerned modern tools and techniques like e-banking etc. is lacking in study area. A clear cut plan has to be made in order to provide a significant role in facilitating inclusion Proper inspection should be done to see the utilization of loan so that loan should be utilized properly and recovery percentage can be increased.
How to cite this article:
Kalyani Dahariya, Bhag Chandra Jain and VK Choudhary. Performance of primary agriculture co-operative credit society (PACS), Dharampura in Raipur district of Chhattisgarh. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(9S): 53-59.