Yield gap minimization of Lentil var. HUL 57 under CFLD conducted in Bishnupur district, Manipur, India
Sakhen Sorokhaibam, Kh. Brajamani Meetei, N Anando Singh, Kh. Maipak and P Bidyananda
Cluster front line demonstration effectively promotes recommended technologies among farmers. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bishnupur district conducted 55 lentil demonstrations in 9 villages in 2016-17, 2021-22, and 2022-23. The study reveals improved practices (IP) yield 520-952 kg/ha, while farmer practices (FP) yield 375-680 kg/ha. IP yield was increased upto 16.81-27.28% compared to FP, indicating a significant yield boost. Extension gap ranged from 145-190 kg/ha. Extension gap trend indicates farmers' cooperation in demonstrations, encouraging results in years to come, and KVK scientist training's impact. Demonstration yielded a cost-benefit ratio of 1.81-2.94, while control plots yielded 1.37-2.59. Cluster front line demonstration of proven technologies can significantly enhance lentil crop yield with increased income in farming communities.
How to cite this article:
Sakhen Sorokhaibam, Kh. Brajamani Meetei, N Anando Singh, Kh. Maipak and P Bidyananda. Yield gap minimization of Lentil var. HUL 57 under CFLD conducted in Bishnupur district, Manipur, India. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(9S): 33-36.