Farmers knowledge on climate change in turmeric cultivation in Thoubal district of Manipur
R Amulya, M Deepa Devi, N Gopimohan Singh and Baldev Singh
Abstract:Climate change has a huge impact on turmeric since it prefers rich, wet soils in a protected, shady location. At the same time climate change has become major concern for large turmeric growing cultivators in Manipur as its contribution in the production of turmeric is decreasing. The research study was done in order to determine the extent of farmers’ knowledge on climate change in turmeric cultivation in Manipur. A research design known as ex-post-facto was used for the study. A total of 111 farmers were chosen purposively from the six villages of Wangjing CD block of Thoubal in Manipur as per information obtained from KVK, Thoubal. The information is collected or gathered through survey using semi-structured interview schedule. Using the appropriate statistical parameters, data was collected, coded, tabulated, analysed and interpreted. It was found that 72.07 per cent of the farmers were having medium level of knowledge followed by high level of knowledge (17.12%) and low level of knowledge (10.81%) on climate change in turmeric cultivation.
How to cite this article:
R Amulya, M Deepa Devi, N Gopimohan Singh and Baldev Singh. Farmers knowledge on climate change in turmeric cultivation in Thoubal district of Manipur. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(8S): 2030-2032.