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Vol. 12, Special Issue 8 (2023)

Detection of a co-infection state of anaplasma marginale and Babesia gibsoni in a Pomeranian dog

PI Ganesan and Sravani G
A Pomeranian male dog, aged about 11 years admitted in a private veterinary clinic in Jaipur with varying clinical signs of anorexia, lethargy, lameness, weight loss, anemia& temperature. The clinical examination of the dog ruled out the infestation with Rhipicephalus sanguineus tick. The hemogram and the biochemical studies reports are as follows. Hemoglobin: 8.4 g/dl: RBC 4.48 mill/mm3, PCV: 24. 50%, MCV: 54.7 FL, MCH: 18.80. pg. The hemogram values revealed microcytic anemia. Biochemical parameters studies revealed elevated levels of SGOT values i.e160.30 u/l as against the values of 9-49. The elevated SGPT value was i.e. 92.10 u/l (8-57) as against the normal range of 10-100u/l. The elevated alkaline phosphatase level was 374.80 u/l as against the normal range of 10-100u/l. The blood urea nitrogen was at 60.47 mg/dl (As against the normal values of 8.89-25.9). (Table 1). The blood smear examination of the dog revealed A. marginale in the infected RBCs and Babesia gibsoni in the infected RBCs and neutrophils. The tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus played a vector role for the coinfection state of A. marginale and Babesia gibsoni in this infected dog. The infected dog suffered with varying clinical signs which were attributed to the concerned pathogens due to inadequate clinico-pathological patterns.
Pages: 1493-1497  |  258 Views  125 Downloads
How to cite this article:
PI Ganesan and Sravani G. Detection of a co-infection state of anaplasma marginale and Babesia gibsoni in a Pomeranian dog. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(8S): 1493-1497.

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