Impact of zero tillage over conventional tillage in Kushinagar district of Uttar Pradesh
Ashok Rai, Rai Ajay Kumar, Vishal Singh, Shamsher Singh and Neeraj Singh
An experiment was conducted at Amawakhas Nyaypanchayat, Kushinagar district of U.P. Under National Innovation in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) Project for the investigation of impact of zero tillage over conventional tillage during the year 2012 to 2016. Reduced cost of tillage and irrigation under zero tillage production of wheat results in yield increase possibly through optimised sowing time and enhanced water use efficiency attributes. The experimental results are indicative to the fact that zero tillage was found superior over conventional tillage in context of following yield attributes viz. spike length, number of spikes per meter, number of grain per spike except test weight. Therefore, production of zero till wheat was higher i.e. 40.55 quintals which was 8.22% higher than conventional tillage i.e. 37.22 quintals per hectare. Average savings w.r.t. cost of cultivation under zero till wheat amounted to INR 7265.69 per hectare. The profit margin increased by INR 13171.07 per hectare. Zero tillage method also recorded higher Benefit Cost ratio at 2.34 as compared to conventional tillage method (1.70).
How to cite this article:
Ashok Rai, Rai Ajay Kumar, Vishal Singh, Shamsher Singh and Neeraj Singh. Impact of zero tillage over conventional tillage in Kushinagar district of Uttar Pradesh. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(8S): 1476-1478.