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Vol. 12, Special Issue 8 (2023)

A study on extent of adoption of ICT by the farmer of district Chhatarpur (M.P.)

Abhijeet Kuderiya, Dr. YK Singh, Nishanki Garg and S Mohit Kumar
Study was conducted in Chhatarpur district (M.P.) to investigate the knowledge and adoption of ICT by the farmers of chhatarpur dist. (M.P.). there are eight blocks in chhatarpur dist. out of these two block namely Rajnagar and Bijawar block were selected for the study and two village from each block total. Four villages were selected through simple random sampling. 30 respondents were selected through random sampling method form each of the selected village. Thus total 120 respondents will be selected for the investigation. The primary data were collected with the help of interview schedule and personal interview by the researchers. The collected and analyzed and interpreted by statically tools, like frequency, percentage, mean, etc. were applied according to the nature and demand of data.
Pages: 1646-1649  |  317 Views  148 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Abhijeet Kuderiya, Dr. YK Singh, Nishanki Garg and S Mohit Kumar. A study on extent of adoption of ICT by the farmer of district Chhatarpur (M.P.). The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(8S): 1646-1649.

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