Non-surgical treatment of Periorbital swelling, mild proptosis and corneal ulcer in brachycephalic breed of dog
H Zorinpuii and JB Rajesh
A 5-year-old pug was diagnosed with proptosis, hyphema, glaucoma and corneal ulcer with high rectal temperature and felt pain around the orbit while doing palpation. Before performing enucleation, it is decided to subside the pain and to control infection as well as to reduce ocular pressure, certain medication like mannitol, NSAID, antibiotics (intravenous and eye ointment) were tried and the animal regained a normal vision.
How to cite this article:
H Zorinpuii and JB Rajesh. Non-surgical treatment of Periorbital swelling, mild proptosis and corneal ulcer in brachycephalic breed of dog. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(8S): 1563-1565.