Management of mango leaf hopper, Amritodes atkinsoni Leth on mango in Saran district (Bihar)
Surendra Prasad, SK Mandal and Manoj Kumar
On farm trial was conducted during 2019 and 2020 at Saran district on management of mango leaf hopper, Amritodes atkinsoni Leth on mango cultivar “Malda”. The two technologies was test on farmer’s mango orchard. First spray of acephat 75% SP was done at early stages of panicle formation and second spray after fruit set i.e. Technology I and another technology II was done spray of imidacloprid 17.8 SL at similar trend of technology I. The result of two years pooled data revealed that technology II proved the most effective treatment against mango leaf hopper in which lowest population (0.84) was recorded as compared to other technology I (1.33) and farmer’s practices (1.96). The significantly maximum fruit yield was recorded in technology II (172.17 kg/plant) in compared to farmer’s practices (119.67 kg/plant). The impact of treatments showed that mean net return and benefit cost ratio was also higher in technology II in compared to farmer’s practices which was Rs.5706.68/tree, 4.76:1, Rs. 3736.98/tree, 3.44:1, respectively.
How to cite this article:
Surendra Prasad, SK Mandal and Manoj Kumar. Management of mango leaf hopper, Amritodes atkinsoni Leth on mango in Saran district (Bihar). The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(8S): 934-936.