Biofortified pearl millet hybrid: GHB 1231 (Sawaj Shakti)
SK Parmar, KD Mungra, JS Sorathiya, RJ Chaudhari and SN Galani
The Pearl Millet Research Station, Junagadh Agricultural University, Jamnagar (Gujarat) developed the pearl millet biofortified hybrid GHB 1231 (Sawaj Shakti) from a cross combination of ICMA 11222 × J-2597 and released it at the state level for cultivation during the kharif, summer, and semi-rabi (post rainy) seasons. This hybrid was tested in multi-location trials across all three seasons against recommended national and state level checks for yield, Fe, and Zn and other biotic stresses. During the kharif season, this hybrid surpassed checks GHB-558, GHB-732, and Proagro 9444 by 26.18%, 9.22%, and 10.37%, respectively. Furthermore, during the summer, GHB 1231 outperformed the check hybrids GHB-558, GHB-732, and Proagro 9444 by 48.4%, 12.4%, and 5.5%, respectively, and also outperformed GHB-538 by 30.9% during the semi-rabi season. Furthermore, its Fe and Zn contents are comparable (Fe >70 ppm and Zn >40 ppm) to the identified biofortified check Dhanshakti. GHB 1231 exhibits a high level of resistance against downy mildew when compared to all of the checks performed throughout the testing period. It's also resists smut, ergot, blast, and rust. This hybrid has appealing panicle characteristics, high-quality stover, attractive grain colour, and lodging resistance. It also found higher resistance to helicoverpa, stem borer, and shoot fly in comparison to controls.
How to cite this article:
SK Parmar, KD Mungra, JS Sorathiya, RJ Chaudhari and SN Galani. Biofortified pearl millet hybrid: GHB 1231 (Sawaj Shakti). The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(8S): 681-685.