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Vol. 12, Special Issue 8 (2023)

Sustainability and impact studies (FLD) on banana yield and economics

S Krishnakumar, J Selvi, M Jegadeesan, P Arul Arasu and E Subramanian
Tamil Nadu is the 4th important banana producing state. There has been 32% raise in banana production in the state. Traditional farming is one of the major problem leads to low productivity due to lack of suggested package of practices and high yielding varieties. To replace this discrepancy of practices, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Madurai conducted Front line demonstrations in the farmer’s field. The frontline demonstration was done in the farmers field and were provided with all the inputs with improved technologies. The technology adopted in his field is micronutrient spray @ 2% on 4th, 5th and 6th month’s interval from the date of planting. This resulted in higher yield in demonstration field (160 t ha-1) than that achieved through the treatment receiving farmer’s practices (143 t ha-1). The average percentage of increase over farmers practice through this demonstration was recorded to be 11.9 percent during 2019-20 and 15.4 percent during 2020-21. The average BC ratio over farmers practice through this demonstration was recorded to be 1.34 percent during 2019-20 and 1.46 during 2020-21. The sustainability in area as well as yield has shown during 2020-21 and 2021-22. The farmers were well adopted the technologies and got benefited.
Pages: 664-666  |  434 Views  242 Downloads
How to cite this article:
S Krishnakumar, J Selvi, M Jegadeesan, P Arul Arasu and E Subramanian. Sustainability and impact studies (FLD) on banana yield and economics. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(8S): 664-666.

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