Vol. 12, Special Issue 8 (2023)
Price spread, marketing efficiency and constraints in fish marketing in Raipur district of Chhattisgarh
Mandas Banjare and Sanjay Kumar Joshi
The present study is based on primary data collected from 20 fishermen, 16 wholesalers and 30 retailers in Raipur district engaged in marketing of fish. The results of the study revealed that the fish of the area was marketed through three marketing channels 1. Producer–Consumer. 2. Producer–Retailer–Consumer. 3. Producer–Wholesaler–Retailer–Consumer. The study further revealed that among all the three marketing channels identified for fish marketing, the highest percentage of fisher’s share was in channel 1st being 98.33 percent because of the fact that there were no intermediaries involved in this channel. The fisher’s share in consumer rupee was 86.74 percent in channel 2nd while it was lowest 69.52 percent in case of channel 3rd. it was clear from the results that the absolute advantage of fisher was the highest in channel 3rd being Rs. 150/kg. As compared to Rs. 124.5/ kg and Rs. 145/ kg in channel 1st and 2nd. The results also depicted that the marketing efficiency was highest in marketing channel 1st (59.2) while it was lowest in channel 3rd (4.8).
How to cite this article:
Mandas Banjare and Sanjay Kumar Joshi. Price spread, marketing efficiency and constraints in fish marketing in Raipur district of Chhattisgarh. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(8S): 193-196.