Understanding the socio-economic landscape of dairy farmers in Ollukkara block, Thrissur district, Kerala: A comprehensive analysis
Mohammed Arshath and Yancy MI
This study presents an in-depth analysis of the socio-economic landscape of dairy farmers in the Ollukkara Block, Thrissur district, Kerala, India, a region recognized for its vibrant dairy industry. We conducted a comprehensive survey involving 60 dairy farmers selected through random sampling, collecting data on a range of socio-economic variables. Our findings reveal that dairy farming in the area is predominantly conducted by middle-aged (55.00%), married individuals (91.67%), primarily males (65%), with nuclear families being the predominant family structure. Agriculture serves as the main occupation for a majority of the respondents (70%). We also identified a strong correlation between the level of formal education and involvement in dairy farming, suggesting that cattle rearing is not limited to a specific educational background. In terms of annual income and land ownership, a moderate-income level and land ownership ranging between 20 cents and 1 acre dominated the survey. Furthermore, all respondents were members of a milk cooperative society and 65 percent of them had undergone cattle rearing training, indicating the critical role of cooperative societies and continuous training in dairy farming. The study provides valuable insights that can guide policy formulation and implementation to further enhance the dairy farming sector in the region.
How to cite this article:
Mohammed Arshath and Yancy MI. Understanding the socio-economic landscape of dairy farmers in Ollukkara block, Thrissur district, Kerala: A comprehensive analysis. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(8S): 448-451.