Evaluation of herbicide resistance in different Phalaris minor biotypes from the Rice-Wheat cropping system of Haryana, India
Sushil Kumar, Todar Mal, RS Dadarwal and Pardeep Kumar
In order to assess the resistance of different populations of Phalaris minor Retz. in Haryana to clodinafop as well as to other effective herbicides i.e. sulfosulfuron, mesosulfuron + iodosulfuron (RM) and pinoxaden, a screen house study was carried out at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar during Rabi season 2020-21 and 2021-22. P. minor seeds were planted in pots, where 20 plants were kept alive. All of the herbicides were sprayed to P. minor at the 2-3 leaf stage, or around 30-35 DAS. Herbicides were administered at four different graded doses: 1/2X, X (recommended dose), 2X, and 4X. With the application of various herbicides at their recommended doses, P. minor populations varied in fresh weight accumulation and number of leaves. Resistant population had significantly higher fresh weight and number of leaves in comparison to susceptible one. Majority of the population where found resistant to clodinafop while Jammu, Kharian, Beri and Nirjan biotype was not able to survive at 60 DAT at recommended dose of clodinafop. Recommened dose of sulfosulfuron was not sufficient to control the various P. minor biotypes At recommended dose of sulfosulfuron, Jammu, Ikkas and Nirjan biotypes were fully controlled at 60 DAT during both the years of study. Rasidan and Aanta bitypes were resistant to mesosulfuron + iodosulfuron (RM). The development of resistant to sulfosulfuron and mesosulfuron + iodosulfuron (RM) (ALS inhibtors) is less when compared to clodinafop. However, efficacy of all the herbicides decreased against various P. minor biotypes which indicates the development of multiple herbicide resistance.
How to cite this article:
Sushil Kumar, Todar Mal, RS Dadarwal and Pardeep Kumar. Evaluation of herbicide resistance in different Phalaris minor biotypes from the Rice-Wheat cropping system of Haryana, India. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(8S): 277-281.