Diagnostic and therapeutic Studies of infectious canine cyclical thrombocytopenia (ICCT) in Anaplasma platys infected canines
Dr. Shiv Kumar Sidar, Dr. Rashmi Lata Rakesh, Dr. Sawita Kumari Patel, Dr. Somesh Kumar Joshi and Dr. Preety Singh
In this study 5 dogs aged between 5-7 years were presented to the Referral Veterinary Polyclinic, Indian Veterinary Research Institute Izatnagar (U.P.) with the complaint of Pyrexia, Inappetence, depression, melena. The systematic investigations did show significant thrombocytopeniaand elevated total leucocyte count (TLC). Blood smear examination revealed presence of Anaplasma platys organism within thrombocytes. In the institutiontreatment of dogs with doxycyclin along with supportive therapy brought successful recovery in 4 weeks.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Shiv Kumar Sidar, Dr. Rashmi Lata Rakesh, Dr. Sawita Kumari Patel, Dr. Somesh Kumar Joshi and Dr. Preety Singh. Diagnostic and therapeutic Studies of infectious canine cyclical thrombocytopenia (ICCT) in Anaplasma platys infected canines. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(7S): 2588-2590.