Efficacy of enrofloxacin for the therapeutic management of cutaneous form of pigeon pox
Smriti Shrawan, Upasana V, Sagar RS and Mahesh SB
A flock of 35 pigeons were presented to Government Veterinary Hospital, Ghotiya, Chhattisgarh with the complaint of anorexia and skin lesions on the body. History revealed no proper deworming and vaccination. On clinical observation most of the birds had pale mucous membrane, ocular discharges, blepharitis, conjunctivitis and crusty scab all over the body. The birds were diagnosed as cutaneous form of pigeon pox. The birds were randomly divided into 2 groups with Group I (N=10 birds) as a control group and Group II (N=25) as the treatment group. Group I were treated with multivitamin syrup and liver tonics for 14 days and Group II birds were treated with enrofloxacin @ 10mg/Kgbw along with multivitamins and liver tonics. Nearly 30% pigeons of Group I recovered in 14 days and in Group II, 72% of pigeon showing the clinical sign recovered within 14 days.
How to cite this article:
Smriti Shrawan, Upasana V, Sagar RS and Mahesh SB. Efficacy of enrofloxacin for the therapeutic management of cutaneous form of pigeon pox. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(7S): 2766-2768.