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Vol. 12, Special Issue 7 (2023)

Gross anatomical studies on the Brain of Uttara Fowl

Amit Singh Vishen, Meena Mrigesh, Ishwar Singh, Renu Yadav, Niddhi Arora, Ruokuobeinuo Huozha and Maansi
The present research work was performed on the gross anatomy of different parts (cerebrum, pineal gland, optic lobe, cerebellum and medulla oblongata) of the brain of six months old apparently healthy six Uttara fowl in Uttarakhand. The birds were purchased from University Poultry Farm of GBPUAT, Pantnagar. It was found that the brain was pear shaped smooth creamy pinkish coloured covered by meninges situated in the cranial cavity. It was divided into prosencephalon (Included telencephalon and diencephalon), mesencephalon (included optic lobes) and rhombencephalon (Included medulla oblongata and cerebellum). The telencephalon had cerebral hemispheres and olfactory lobes; diencephalon included thalamus as rounded eminence on the medial aspect and optic chiasma on the posterior surface. The convex cerebral hemispheres were dorsally placed and broad caudally with two rounded wide angles and separated from each other by a median longitudinal fissure and from cerebellum by a transverse fissure. The pineal gland was inverted pyramid shaped soft pinkish in colour. It was situated superficially behind the union of cerebral hemispheres in a triangular space formed between the caudal aspect of cerebral hemispheres and the cranial aspect of cerebellum. The oval to egg shaped optic lobes were originated from mid brain and bulged laterally. A lozenge shaped cerebellum represented the first part of the hindbrain and was large and laterally compressed located posterior to the cerebral hemispheres. The club shaped Medulla oblongata was the most posterior part of the brain followed by spinal cord. It had rhomboid fossa on the dorsal aspect to make the floor of the fourth ventricle.
Pages: 2374-2381  |  597 Views  425 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Amit Singh Vishen, Meena Mrigesh, Ishwar Singh, Renu Yadav, Niddhi Arora, Ruokuobeinuo Huozha and Maansi. Gross anatomical studies on the Brain of Uttara Fowl. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(7S): 2374-2381.

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