Marketing pattern analysis of Assam lemon: A case study in Nalbari district of Assam
Debasmita Baruah, Avijeet Borah and Nivedita Deka
The current research was conducted with the aim of analysing the marketing trends of Assam Lemon in Nalbari district. The primary objective was to increase knowledge about the prevailing marketing channels in the designated region and promote awareness regarding them. The data pertaining to the marketing trends in the study area was gathered using the interview technique. Primary data was acquired through personal interviews utilizing specially designed pre-tested questionnaires. The participants included 100 Assam Lemon growers, 5 pre-harvest contractors, and 10 wholesalers and retailers each, representing different levels within the marketing channels. In th-e study area, three distinct marketing channels for Assam Lemon were identified: Channel I - Producer to Pre-harvest contractor to Wholesaler to Retailer to Consumer, Channel II - Producer to Wholesaler to Retailer to Consumer, and Channel III - Producer directly to Consumer. The findings of the study revealed that Channel III (Producer - Consumer) exhibited greater efficiency. However, it was observed that Channel I (Producer - Pre-harvest contractor - Wholesaler - Retailer - Consumer), which involved a higher number of intermediaries, proved to be the most effective in the study area. This effectiveness was attributed to 55 per cent of the marketed surplus flowing through this channel to distant markets. Unfortunately, this dominance of market intermediaries resulted in lower price realization for the farmers, impacting their earnings adversely.
How to cite this article:
Debasmita Baruah, Avijeet Borah and Nivedita Deka. Marketing pattern analysis of Assam lemon: A case study in Nalbari district of Assam. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(7S): 2139-2143.