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Vol. 12, Special Issue 7 (2023)

An analysis of the significant constraints and obstructions faced by rural beneficiary farmers of micro-financing institutions and comparison with moneylenders of district Murshidabad of West Bengal

Arijit Chowdhury and Dr. Ramchandra
Micro-financial sectors have faced constraints or hurdles which has been a deteriorating factor. The undermentioned study has been instrumental in knowing which problems have stayed as major ones. Few of the enlisted constraints have stayed constant over the years while others evolved during the course of last few years due to the pandemic and various financial crisis. The rural beneficiary farmers getting the privilege of micro-finance have been a victim of these and managed to recover from these to a certain extent. Micro-financial institutions are embodiment of hope in the poverty-driven sector of our country but unfortunately due to the exorbitant number of rules and regulations and the abundance of the paper works it poses few significant hurdles in front of certain population of the beneficiaries. More importantly, the role which this play can be justified through a detailed study conducted within the farming community who serve as the beneficiaries of micro-financial institutions.
The present research entitled “An Analysis of the Significant Constraints and Major Obstructions Faced by Rural Beneficiary Farmers of Micro -financing Institutions of District Murshidabad of West Bengal” was carried out during the year 2022-23. For the present study, 80 farmers were selected randomly from the study area. The main objectives of the study were to analyse the major constraints and hindrance faced by the rural beneficiary farmers. The empirical findings are also followed by a statistical analysis and Garett Ranking Method.
Pages: 2041-2044  |  294 Views  133 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Arijit Chowdhury and Dr. Ramchandra. An analysis of the significant constraints and obstructions faced by rural beneficiary farmers of micro-financing institutions and comparison with moneylenders of district Murshidabad of West Bengal. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(7S): 2041-2044.

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