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Vol. 12, Special Issue 7 (2023)

Chronic atopic dermatitis in a Bully Kutta Dog with wheat pollen sensitivity: A case report

RC Sundararajan, Pavithra Pugal, V Kumar, E Madhesh, V Vijayanand and M Balagangatharathilagar
A five-year-old male Bully Kutta dog was presented to Veterinary Clinical Complex, Tirunelveli with a history of recurrent, steroid responsive pruritus for the past three years. The patient’s kennel is in close proximity to a wheat flour industry and the major food ingredient was wheat. Clinical examination revealed lusterless skin coat, patchy alopecia, erythematous pustules and hyperkeratinization distributed over specific areas of the body. The case was ruled out for other similar skin diseases by skin scraping and tape impression. ABST revealed sensitivity only to Cefotaxime. The present case agrees 7 of 8 ‘FAVROT’S CLINICAL CRITERIA’ of Canine atopic dermatitis. The case has been managed for five years with antibiotics, steroids, anti-histamines, Inj. Ivermectin @200 µg/kg b.wt and was advised Spray. Tacrolimus, Tab. Atarax, Tab. Wysolone, Shampoo. Ketochlor, Tab. Cefpet. In addition to that, the case was advised to follow Syrup Nutricoat Advance and ROYAL CANIN® Hypoallergen diet for the rest of life with active pruritic management and controlled environment. The details of the case will be discussed.
Pages: 1833-1835  |  454 Views  293 Downloads
How to cite this article:
RC Sundararajan, Pavithra Pugal, V Kumar, E Madhesh, V Vijayanand and M Balagangatharathilagar. Chronic atopic dermatitis in a Bully Kutta Dog with wheat pollen sensitivity: A case report. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(7S): 1833-1835.

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