Study of job satisfaction among the employees of chemical industries from thane district
Abhishek Gadhave, Balasaheb Pawar and Reshma Shinde
Job Satisfaction reflects the extent to which an individual's expectations, needs, and desires are met in their work environment. Job satisfaction directly leads to the performance appraisal of employees. Most significant factors responsible for knowing the satisfaction level of employees i.e. age of employees and happiness at job were studied at Chemical Industries from Thane district based on information primarily gathered through questionnaires. The research methodology comprises of analytical tools such as Employee Net Promoter Score, Graphical Methods, Percentages & Averages employed for processing and analysis of data. Eighty employees from various departments were given the questionnaire set in the Chemical Industries from Thane district. The attributes studied to know the happiness at job were salary, working hours, working environment, employee relationship, working condition, appreciation from seniors, job security, rewards and compensation. The Employee Net Promoter Score revealed that the majority employees are satisfied and would suggest the company to others looking for a job.
How to cite this article:
Abhishek Gadhave, Balasaheb Pawar and Reshma Shinde. Study of job satisfaction among the employees of chemical industries from thane district. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(7S): 1660-1665.